I am an animal therapist in the UK working alongside vets where manufactured medicines have failed l use canine maasge to help dogs and cats walk again after injuries, l am a homoeopathic practitioner and use only natural ingredients in my very own products
Both my products are aimed to soften aby hard skin on dogs paws, my Lavender & tea tree pad treatment can be used on the skin for drt excema flaky skin including any fungi infection such as mange ringworm even ho spots, My Juniper pad treatment is easily used by rubbing a very small amount onto the digs paws for pain all over the body just once a day, or if the dog is suffering from pain in just one area such as the shoulders then with a very small amount or ointment you can jsu stroke the fur on the effected area
These products have been used on humans also with some very good results, though they were only lanuched in 2009 these products are being used by top dog breeders in the UK are highly recommeded by very large Uk companies and all last for 2 years, beacuse l only use natural ingredients these will not harm a dog if licked off
I welcome any question from anyone about these products, each jar comes in a 30 ml glass jar with a 2 year best by date l will change the labels to suit your country, already Africa has ordered the Lavender & tea tree ointment to keep flies away from dogs and horse's
Please email me so that l can answer you quicker
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